
About Me

I'm just your average, mother of two, Scots lass. I've been married to my husband for 7 years, and everyday is a treasure. He has been my rock, and has supported me in everything I do.
I am lucky enough to be self employed, working each weekend as a karaoke DJ at my favourite pub, back in my hometown. It's a great job most of the time, but it does have its nightmare issues. That's been my job for the last 10 years. I can't believe how quick the time has gone by.
My job has given me so much freedom to try many hobbies over the years, from jewellery making, photography, patchwork sewing and making handbags, to cold process soap making and of course my nails. You can read my nail story here.
I haven't had the urge to go back to my other hobbies in a while. Part of the reason is being able to get everything laid out and ready to use in an instant. The only thing that is organised and laid out, are my polishes of course, but it's always a work in progress keeping my stash in order.

The content of my blog is purely my own opinion. I have not been given freebies or money for the information I have posted, and I will always post what I truly think.

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